"Because we share the same enthusiasm, values and innovation mindset, Human37 was the ideal partner to start building the foundations of our marketing technology stack and customer data strategy. They positioned themselves as true partners and team players, allowing the team to gain advanced knowledge in a very short period of time. We're looking forward to their help in the implementation part."
Thibaut Knop - Head of Product at We Invest
We Invest is the real estate franchisor of the future. The company combines an extensive network of highly trained real estate agencies with a centrally managed go-to-market approach driven by marketing and technology to match homes with their next owners.
One of We Invest’s core beliefs is that a personalized approach with their clients results in a better service, happier clients and growing business. In order to be able to take that personalized approach to the next level and turn it into a true omnichannel experience, We Invest understood it needed a customer data strategy and infrastructure to support it.
We INvest & HUMAN37
We Invest engaged with Human37 to help them develop their customer data strategy.
Through a series of workshops Human37 guided We Invest through the components that make up a customer data strategy by addressing topics such as:
Creating specific user stories that describe exactly what a customer experience looks like for the customer
Understanding what customer data is available, where it resides and who controls it
Identifying the technical components required to make these user stories a reality
Using this information Human37 started to create an overview of what the current state of customer data strategy and infrastructure looked like and started designing what a next iteration should look like in order to deliver on We Invest’s ambitions.
Human37 provided multiple routes from an infrastructural point of view which exposed We Invest’s teams to different ideas, philosophies and routes (e.g: engineering-first vs marketing-first). They pushed them to think through the operational implications of each route. This helped Human37 to further refine the strategy and infrastructure in a context that works for We Invest, given the resources that will be available as well as the process that can be put in place.
The next table contains an excerpt of these route proposals, their (internal) resource implications and feature comparison. We observed that while setting up the actual CDP would not require a lot of engineering resources, it would require the marketing team to invest and develop their way-of-working to get the most value for their buck. This fits well with We Invest’s expectations.

Once the main route was chosen and the decision was made to include a Customer Data Platform in the infrastructure, Human37 helped We Invest to prepare for a vendor assessment. This means Human37 guided We Invest to assemble:
Integration requirements (sources & destinations)
Features the CDP should be able to deliver on
Operational requirements
Vendor requirements
Pricing strategies

(CDP requirements chapter overview)
Selecting the right CDP for your organisation can be a daunting task, let alone implementing one. By guiding We Invest through our customer data strategy track and methodology, we helped them to take a step back, reflect about their business challenges and set impactful use-cases. The result was a clear view on the customer data strategy and data infrastructure needed to set it in motion.
Having this strategic view and baggage, enabled us to guide We Invest through a tailored CDP vendor assessment track. The chosen CDP now perfectly fits their needs both from a functional, technical and operational perspective.
Once the right CDP is retained, the actual work starts: using the technology to your advantage and driving more personalised omnichannel customer experiences. Human37 is guiding We Invest in the implementation track as well as the operational and experience delivery track. Stay tuned for the second case in this series where we shed some light on this very topic!
Need some help selecting the right CDP for your organisation? Or just not sure where to start? Don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@human37.com